Recognition Registration
EIN Postfix:
User Name:
*User Name is required.
* Password is required.
Confirm Password:
Company Name:
Company Membership ID:
Chapter Association:
Invalid value
Submitter's Name:
Physical Address (No P.O. Boxes):
Postal Code:
Invalid value
Invalid value
The Password and Confirmation Password must match.
User Name cannot contain commas.
The Federal EIN must be 9 digits in the format 00-0000000
Application Deadline - Friday, March 7, 2025
EIN Postfix
The Post Fix field allows users to create different accounts using same Federal Identification Number. You should leave this field blank unless you have been requested or wish to register two different accounts using the same Federal Identification Number. Contact Intec for instructions in using the Post Fix field at (570) 342-8464.
Company Type
Generation Construction Contractor
A contractor working in generation facilities performing work in operations involving new construction, repair or alteration of existing facilities including painting. Include associated personnel that support that business, and are included in their budget.
Generation Maintenance Contractor
A contractor working in generation facilities performing work that involves maintenance activities. Maintenance activities are defined as making or keeping a structure, fixture or foundation (substrates) in proper condition in a routine, scheduled, or anticipated fashion. This definition implies keeping equipment working in its existing state, i.e., preventing its failure or decline. Include associated personnel that support that business, and are included in their budget.
Transmission & Distribution Contractor
A contractor who only performs transmission and distrubution work or is providing only transmission and distrubution data. Include associated personnel that support that business, and are included in their budget.
Transmission Contractor
A contractor who only perfroms transmission work or is providing only transmission data. Include associated personnel that support that business, and are included in their budget.
Distrubution Contractor
A contractor who only performs distrubution work or is providing only distrubution data. Include associated personnel that support that business, and are included in their budget.
Technical Assistance
Phone: 570-342-8464